Carbon Footprint


TCO2e Offset


The project was located in an existing low energy building, instead of constructing a new building. Therefore, the main strategy was to reduce materials use and waste and to source materials locally as much as possible. Our total embodied carbon footprint in the final design was reduced by 31% from the initial estimate. Many products where swapped for high recycled content materials to reduce manufacturing carbon, including: ducts, pipes, wall board, ceiling tiles, furniture, and carpet. Using reclaimed wood instead of new wood for doors and shelves also helped us reduce embodied carbon. Using materials produced with renewable energy further helped reduce carbon; for example the Interface carpet used throughout the office was manufactured at a plant where 84% of its energy comes from renewable sources. We explored using wood where metals are conventionally used to reduce our carbon footprint, but due to local fire codes, this was not possible without the use of carcinogenic chemicals. 


3Degrees Carbon Offset Provider Information.

Rocky Mountain Institute's Green Footstep Carbon Calculator Information.